Official Miss Mermaid USA sashes for any of your title year(s). You may order additional sashs for each individual year or put up to 2 years on one sash.
These are high quality satin sashes handmade-in-the-USA by a fellow mermaid artist. Dark blue borders with your state title and fully embroidered logos for Miss Mermaid USA and the World Mermaid Association. The official Miss Mermaid motto "Save the Oceans" is also embroidered on the back. Sturdy snap. Durable and waterproof! We've added special pockets that can hold a weight or stone to keep the sash from floating up in underwater shoots. (After swimming in your sash be sure to rinse with fresh water and thoroughly air dry to prevent mildew stains).
We hope these official sashes will help to elevate both your activist missions and your personal mermaid careers!
Production time is estimated at 2 weeks (not including shipping time).
Miss Mermaid USA State Sash
If you wear your sash in the water, handwash with gentle soap and cold water and hang to dry. Be sure sash is thoroughly dry before storing to prevent mildew stains.